Sunday, May 25, 2008

Golden Grilled Flank Steak and Spinach Articoke Supreme

Dinner was Golden Grilled Flank Steak (pg. 208) and Spinach Artichoke Supreme (pg. 265). The steak is marinated in whole grain mustard, vermouth, rosemary and thyme rub for several hours. You then grill it and baste with the remaining marinade. The Spinach Artichoke Supreme is made by creaming together spinach, cream cheese, and seasoning. You then spread it out in a pan, top with artichoke hearts and then a layer of croutons with melted butter. You then bake it until it is bubbly. Pabs loved both of these recipes; he says it is his favorite so far. I hated them. I took one bite of the steak and was done. I hate vermouth and the flavor was too much for me. The spinach artichoke side dish was too cream cheesy....didn't like that either. :(

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